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Game 1 World Series Ratings Down, But Still Beats NBA

Media spins 9.195 total viewers as a disaster, amongst lowest-rated World Series telecasts

(mostly 2019) ever Bottom line is that the mostly one-sided game easily beat Game 6 of the NBA Finals, which drew 5.6 million. Sunday night's Braves/Dodgers Game 7 drew in 10.2 million viewers, impressive going head-to-head with Los Angeles Rams v. San Francisco 49ers Sunday Night Football. It has been said in the past that Lakers basketball historically trumps all else in the Los Angeles market. Sports talk hosts note they could simply list Lakers in as the topic, any day of the year, and the phone lines would be jammed. What has changed? Is it suddenly Mookie Beetts more buzz than Lebron James? No one predicted that day coming. Ratings have been down across the board in most sports, the Stanley Cup Finals plummeted in ratings with two non-traditional southern U.S. markets (Dallas Stars v. Tampa Bay Lightning) involved and the decisive game played on a Monday night.

Bottom line - The social justice narrative remains well documented, but sports has not returned to full throttle with the pandemic still at full strength and championships being contested in bubbles with limited fans.

It will be a long, slow climb back for the sports industry.


Post: Blog2_Post
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